- Each station will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
- Please fill out an Exit Card and hand it into Ms. Murray!
- Complete the Scavenger Hunt Handout as you move through the stations.
Station 1: Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial
Task 1: Take the You Quote it, You Note it! tutorial.
Give your own example of a fact that could be considered "common knowledge", which therefore would not require a citation.
Station 2: Why should I care?
Task 2: Watch Why Cite?
Give the most significant reason to cite your work and provide evidence from the video.
Station 3: What is Plagiarism?
Task 3: Check out Plagiarism.org for additional resources on citation.
Task 4: List the three least severe (in intent) of the forms of plagiarism.
Task 5: Record the five plagiarism prevention practices and rank them in order of importance (#1 being the most important). Give reasons to support your ranking.
Task 6: Review the section "Know how to paraphrase".
Station 4: What have I learned about paraphrasing and citing?
Task 7: Test your knowledge by completing the Avoiding Plagiarism Exercise
In your own words, indicate the difference between paraphrasing and quoting.
Station 5: What is APA?
Task 8: Take the APA Tutorial: Test Your Knowledge
Task 9: Explore the APA Citation from the Springfield High School Virtual Lib Guide
Task 10: Click through this presentation on Gale VS Google.
Task 11: Indicate the most significant difference in the quality of search results between Gale and Google for research.
Task 12: List a research tool that Gale offers that is not easily offered by Google.
Task 13: Compare and Contrast a duckduckgo.com search to a google search.
Record the most significant difference between these two search engines.
Station 7: Primary vs Secondary Resources
Task 14: View the video tutorial on primary and secondary resources.
Task 15: For academic research, students should use primary resources whenever possible. For example, if you are reading a blog that references an academic article, use the original academic article as your source and do not cite the blog that is merely discussing the article.
Take the Diagnostic Test and list the examples that are secondary sources.
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